
2009.04.22. 17:39

News and details

                                                                    Gallery 1

                                                                    Gallery 2

Dear guests,                                                   Gallery 3

i would like to inform you about the prices and details:

Prices of files







Prices of printed versions


The prices are in €. Every picture is available in higher resolution OR printed version, without the watermarks of course. (Black&white and sepia as well.)

The highest available resolution is 3456x2304 (around 8.2 megapixel). Some pictures are a little bit edited, so the resolution could be less.

At paper size A4 and A3 the normal paper is special kind of glossy paper.


Details of ordering and payment:

You can order in email, just send an email to this: 350royphotos@gmail.com . 

Informations needed in the emails

  • files OR printed version OR both
  • your name
  • email address
  • cell phone
  • the way of payment you have chosen
  • title of the picture(s) and the number of the gallery
  • how many pictures
  • size of the printings
  • color changes


If you order just the files, you will get them maximum in 5 hours after bank transfer, or you can get them and pay in the open hours. (See below.)

If you order printed verison, the maximum time from paying till you get the pictures is 3 workdays. Urgent orders can charged by extra fees. You can get them whether in the open hours or they could be delivered as well.

Pay by bank transfer

You can pay by bank transfer.

If you order printed pictures, then delivering the printed pictures is free in Groningen.

If you order just the files in higher resolutions, the maximum time from paying till you get the picture in your mailbox is 5 hours. 

The details of bank transfer you will get after your order.

Pay by cash

You can get the pictures on your own from me, every week there are some before announced open hours, when you can pay by cash and get the photos personally. You are informed about these hours after your order. Of course you can get the pictures personally if you have paid by bank transfer as well.

If you order just files and pay by cash in the open hours, you get the files immediately right there of course.



And the following galleries are coming in next days and weeks

- seaside, beach

- birds

- nature, sun, sky

- sociophotos

- buildings.

Enjoy. Changes might be done.




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